The Picture of Dorian Gray was a Gothic novel that skirted scandalous behaviour: the transgressive, supernatural elements of the genre provided a frame for speaking unspeakable things. The book tells the story of the beautiful young man Dorian Gray, who is given the capacity to explore every possible vice and desire while his moral decay is hidden away in his painted Dorian establishes an alibi by checking the time with Francis: ten past two in the morning. He asks if anyone visited in his absence. Francis says that Mr. Hallward stayed until eleven, when he left to catch his train. Dorian asks to be wakened at nine in the morning, and Francis shuffles back to bed. Dorian reflects on the situation in the Dorian then asks Lord Henry never to give the yellow book to anyone else. That evening, while Dorian examines the portrait, he decides to destroy it with the knife used to murder Basil. Soon after, Dorian's servants and a police officer find an old, ugly man lying dead on the ground in front of a portrait of a young and innocent Dorian
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, time: 5:16The Picture of Dorian Gray: Study Guide | SparkNotes

The Picture of Dorian Gray was a Gothic novel that skirted scandalous behaviour: the transgressive, supernatural elements of the genre provided a frame for speaking unspeakable things. The book tells the story of the beautiful young man Dorian Gray, who is given the capacity to explore every possible vice and desire while his moral decay is hidden away in his painted Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Originaltitel: The Picture of Dorian Gray) ist der einzige Roman des irischen Schriftstellers Oscar blogger.com erste Fassung erschien in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine aus Philadelphia, wurde bei dem Londoner Verlag Ward, Lock and Co. die heute bekannte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung in Buchform veröffentlicht Dorian then asks Lord Henry never to give the yellow book to anyone else. That evening, while Dorian examines the portrait, he decides to destroy it with the knife used to murder Basil. Soon after, Dorian's servants and a police officer find an old, ugly man lying dead on the ground in front of a portrait of a young and innocent Dorian
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