· Zoos: Short Essay on Zoos. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On December 4, By Various Contributors. Zoos or Zoological parks are places where a variety of animals are kept in enclosures. Zoos have a large variety of animals, birds and often fish and other water animals for blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Sample Essay on Zoo. June 29, June 29, by admin. Zoo is a place of wildness where you get to see almost all kinds of animals that are kept for public display. Animals belong to the forest and sometimes they need a friend too, some animals are too friendly with human they feel extremely loved by how people show affection towards them · These zoo essay will take you to a memorable journey to this animal wonderland. These essays will prove useful in your school assignments, debate and essay writing competitions etc. You can select any essay in accordance with your requirement: Short Essay on Zoo – Essay 1 ( words) IntroductionEstimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Long and Short Essay on Zoo in English for Children and Students
Zoo is a facility where animals, birds, reptiles and other species are kept in confinement short essay on zoo are provided proper nourishment and medical facilities. Zoos are also called Animal Park and do many significant tasks of raising awareness, protecting the species and providing safe breeding grounds to the animals, short essay on zoo, among others. In years, zoos have evolved into their structure and modern zoo gives ample of open space to the animals with safety.
The concept of cages has been gradually phased out and today zoos contain open spaces with bordered ridge to separate animal and visitors. Zoo plays a vital role in protecting the species, by keeping them in a safe environment. It also provides scientists, veterinary doctors, and researchers, students to study animal behaviour closely and implement new techniques and medicines for their sake.
Here, we are providing a list of long and short essay on zoo in English, of varied length to help you with your examination. These essays will prove useful in your school assignments, debate and essay writing competitions etc. These facilities help in the conservation of rare animal species such as the Javan and black Rhino, the Sumatran Elephant and Orang-utan, various species of tigers, the giant panda, short essay on zoo, etc. that have become extinct due to the mass cutting down of forests.
This has helped in increasing the number of animals in the wild. As in case of children, the zoos play an important role in educating them about their natural environment, of which wildlife is an important part.
Despite various geographic channels on television, the zoos attract millions of children every year as they help the children with an opportunity to see the real animals. This helps in educating these small children about the behaviour and the environment of these wild animals. Visit to a Zoological park has always been an enchanting and mesmerizing experience for all of us, especially in our childhood days.
The lush greenery and the feeling of oneness that a person feels with the natural environment being amidst the wildlife have no match. The establishments that houses various species of wild animals within enclosures and put them for display in public, in common terms are called zoos.
These not only help in conserving the rare species of mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, etc. but also help in short essay on zoo children about the other living beings of their environment. By viewing the wild animals such as the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tiger and the leopard, children not only observe their behaviour but short essay on zoo gain knowledge about their eating habits, short essay on zoo is not possible in the concretized urban areas. Furthermore, the monkeys, chimpanzees and also orang-utans seem to appear amusing not only physically because of their long limbs but also because of their behaviour.
At times they can be witnessed playing with each other. Apart from these mammals, there are also various reptiles that breed in captivity in these zoological gardens. These include the crocodile, alligator, tortoise and various varieties of snakes which, if one is lucky can be seen hunting their prey, when they are served live chicks and fishes in their enclosures by attendants.
Also, there are various birds including hornbill and shikra in the list of the endangered species that are bred in various zoos and can only be witnessed in captivity just like the white Bengal Tiger. Thus, short essay on zoo, the visit to these zoos is not a futile activity, neither for children nor for adults as the rarest of the rare animals from various parts of the world including Africa and America can be found in any zoological garden, located in any corner of the world.
The visits to such places must be encouraged as it not only educates us about other living beings but also makes us feel one with the environment.
Since, my childhood days I have always been mesmerized by and fascinated at the sight of animals. Watching them on television channel like Animal Planet with their frightening looks, catching their prey, taking care of their infants, short essay on zoo, etc. has always thrilled me. Thus, I was extremely glad when my elder brother offered me a tour to the Delhi Zoological Park on my tenth birthday. It seemed as the best birthday gift ever! After reaching the zoo via the Delhi Metro we purchased the tickets and walked inside.
There were numerous children all over the place who had come to visit the zoo accompanied with their parents and siblings. Thought there was the availability of vehicle for moving inside the zoo, we still opted for walking on foot for a more thrilling experience.
This way I could spend more time observing the places where my favourite animals had been kept. The first sight was of the monkeys which were present in various varieties. These included the light brown skinned monkey, langur, chimpanzee, baboon, etc. They were of varied sizes, having both long and short tails. When I reached there, the monkeys were being given bananas and mangos in their cage by the zoo authorities. It was a very amusing scene to watch them consuming those fruits after carefully peeling them off themselves like human beings.
Thereafter, we moved on to the section where the water birds had been kept in captivity alongside a man-made pond. They were of different hues, including the black and white swan, short essay on zoo, ducks, cranes, pelicans, etc. I was mesmerized upon viewing the black swan, by its marvellous black shade and the elegance with which it was floating in the pond. Next, we moved on to watch the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tigers, leopards, cheetahs and bears, which had been kept in cages, away from the other herbivorous mammals.
Unlike the deer and bucks that had been kept in herds, these carnivores were kept individually and were making deafening roars and screeching sounds that sacred me.
Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and pythons, alligators and crocodiles were kept.
It was a prolific experience to observe the various designs on their skins. Since, the day was coming to an end with the setting of the Sun; we decided to wind up the visit and reach home to cut my birthday cake. Though I was tired and exhausted walking all day long, short essay on zoo, it is still the best birthday I have ever had, having spent the entire day watching the animals with whom I had been fascinated since infancy.
As one grows up, the desire and zeal to visit a zoo gets subdued because of the peer pressure. However, a teenager still feels mesmerised and enchanted at the sight of the wild animals in their natural habitat when it is pictured on the television screen.
I was in a similar situation. But unlike others, I still got the opportunity to visit the zoo again because of my younger brother who had recently turned five.
His curiosity about the animals and my purpose of educating him on the same triggered the plan to visit the zoo with the entire family on a lazy Sunday.
Packed in a Honda City, all four of us reached the Delhi Zoological Garden around eleven in the morning. My father purchased the tickets and also a guide map of the zoo from the ticket counter and we entered along the marked footprints. We had the option of boarding the van for roaming around, but we instead opted to walk so that we could spend more time observing our favourite animals.
After entering the zoo, first we came across the pond in which water birds including short essay on zoo, stoke, pelicans and swans had been kept. The ducks were quaking and playing among themselves. And moreover the swans, as white as pearls, floating along their partners offered a magnificent picturesque image.
I was spellbound upon seeing their beauty and elegance. A little walk later, we found the royal Bengal white tiger which was separated from us by a ditch and was walking in the open enclosure.
My younger brother was delighted upon seeing it and we all spent a considerable amount of time observing the tiger galloping from the trees into the small pond. Next to it was the ditch where the other royal spotted cat had been kept in captivity.
Though there were three leopards, they seemed bored as all were relaxing under some tree or other and did not seem to short essay on zoo enthusiastic as the tiger. Moreover, the Asiatic Lion in the other ditch too seemed to take circles inside the open enclosure. Moving further, we came across a one horned rhinoceros which seemed to be relaxing in the pond nearby.
Its skin seemed to be rock hard and its legs short, in contrast to the giraffe on its opposite side, which had a long neck and legs, short essay on zoo. Giraffes were truly marvellous creatures, which were silent and were munching on leaves from the trees; the entire time we observed them.
Thereafter, short essay on zoo had a look at the aquarium which had various varieties of colourful fishes, including the cat fish, the clown fish, zebra fish, etc. Since there was some cleaning short essay on zoo renovation taking place in the underground reptiles section, it was closed and thus we were not able to visit it, short essay on zoo. We finished our trip to the zoo by observing the amusing monkeys and there after headed towards the exit gate. All together it was a really pleasing experience for me and especially my younger brother, who was still in awe of the magnificent wildlife.
Before breaking up for the winter vacations, my school organised a tour to the National Zoological Park, Delhi. All the students were enthusiastic and excited about it, as it was our first outing with our peers since we had been promoted to fourth standard. Dressed neatly in the school uniforms along with the sport shoes, we set out for the short essay on zoo by having assembled ourselves in the school bus. It took us about an hour to reach the zoo, short essay on zoo.
The tickets had already been purchased by the school authorities in advance, hence upon reaching we directly entered the zoo unlike other people who were standing in the queues at the ticket counters. We had already been given short essay on zoo to walk in small groups, each headed by a teacher in order to avoid getting lost. First, we came across the monkeys which were kept in a very large cage with trees in different varieties to provide them with ample space for jumping and playing.
These included the langur, baboon, chimpanzee, light brown skinned monkey etc. When we reached there, the monkeys were being fed mangoes and bananas by the zoo authorities.
We were amazed at their intelligence as they carefully peeled the fruits and consumed only the edible part. Walking further we observed a Himalayan black bear that was calmly resting under a tree in a ditch and consuming honey, which had been given by the zoo authorities.
It was funny to see him only concentrate on the honey and completely ignore the fierce roars that were coming from the nearby ditches, short essay on zoo. These roars were of the leopards that seemed to be irritated perhaps because they have not yet been fed. Thereafter, we walked to the next ditch and observed the magnificent Bengal tiger which was galloping up and down the trees and in the pond. Its aerobics seemed to attract various passersby and also we children spent a great deal of time watching it.
All this while, I and my friends had been exited to see the big lion with a great mane, fearful roars and its lour about which we had discussed. However, when we came across it, the Asiatic lion was calmly sleeping under the shade of the tree. We all were really disappointed. Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and crocodiles had been kept.
The snakes though poisonous and dangerous, had extremely beautiful designs on their gliding skin, especially the Asian vine snake and the Sri Lankan Pit Viper. Additionally, it was a prolific experience to observe the alligators and crocodiles swimming very stealthily in the pond. Coming back on the ground level, we encountered a very big cage where the birds including the hornbill, peacock, shikra, short essay on zoo, kite, etc.
had been kept in captivity providing them with ample room for flying. They were really beautiful birds in varied colours, especially the peacock that was in procession of extremely beautiful feathers. I and my friends were lucky short essay on zoo to see the peacock with its open feathers, short essay on zoo.
A visit to a zoo essay in english
, time: 6:15Zoos: Short Essay on Zoos - blogger.com

· These zoo essay will take you to a memorable journey to this animal wonderland. These essays will prove useful in your school assignments, debate and essay writing competitions etc. You can select any essay in accordance with your requirement: Short Essay on Zoo – Essay 1 ( words) IntroductionEstimated Reading Time: 9 mins · Free Short Essay on My Visit to a Zoo. Article shared by. A Zoo is a place where animals are kept and maintained for a look by the common man. Here in a Zoo, birds of different varieties are also maintained. The purpose of a zoo is to show us · Zoos: Short Essay on Zoos. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On December 4, By Various Contributors. Zoos or Zoological parks are places where a variety of animals are kept in enclosures. Zoos have a large variety of animals, birds and often fish and other water animals for blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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